Module 1: Principles of camera settings

Modul 2: Principles of lighting

Modul 3: History of Photography

Modul 4: Color Theory
Unlock the secrets of stunning photography with our comprehensive course! Perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this course will guide you through the essential elements of capturing breathtaking images.

  1. Camera Settings: Learn the fundamentals of your camera, including exposure, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Discover how to adjust these settings to suit different shooting scenarios and achieve the perfect shot every time.
  2. Lighting: Understand the impact of natural and artificial light on your photos. Explore techniques for using light to enhance your compositions, including tips on working with shadows, highlights, and reflectors.
  3. History of Photography: Gain insight into the evolution of photography, from its early beginnings to modern innovations. Discover key milestones, influential photographers, and the technological advancements that have shaped the art form.
  4. Color Theory: Delve into the principles of color in photography. Learn how to use color palettes, contrasts, and harmonies to create visually appealing and cohesive images that capture the viewer’s eye.

Need a creative boost in just one or two of these topics? You can also purchase individual modules separately to focus on the areas that interest you most.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in photography and be ready to take your skills to the next level. Enroll now and start capturing the world through your lens like a pro!

Nulla Vehicu AI
Dictum Magna
Facili Sap
Vestibulum Facilisis

Remarkable projects

  1. Black Pumas “Colors Deluxe”
  2. Neal Francis
  3. Michael Reed
  4. Cacie Erin Miller
  5. Mike Allemana
  6. Kiku Hibino
  7. Bridgette Rene McCullough
  8. Delia Rose West
  9. Piper Hees
  10. The Regulators
  11. Gabi Allemana
  12. Missing Piece
  13. Cacie Erin Miller